cleanUrl: /en/guides/head-yaml-code-block/reference


There are so many options you can customize per page with YAML code block(Head YAML Code Block). This page is a detailed explanation for all the options you can use.

With this feature, you can control features page by page. If you don't want to control them page by page -in most cases-, setting them in the admin is a more easy-to-use and less cumbersome way.

Example code blocks with all keys available

adsense: false
backgroundColor: "#123456"
channeltalkId: false
cleanUrl: "/your/clean-url"
description: "The page description for SEO"
disqus: false
facebookCustomerChatId: false
fontColor: "rgb(255,255,255)"
  defaultFont: "Roboto"
  headerFont: "Gothic A1"
  show: true
  fitToScreen: false
  align: "left"
  alignPixel: 0
  bottom: 16
hideBreadcrumbs: false
hideCollectionProperties: true
hideCollectionSearch: true
hideFooter: false
hidePageLinkIndicator: true
hideSearch: false
overlay: false
pagePassword: false
pageviewType: "snow"
  show: true
  color: "#123A45"
showPageview: true
showShareButton: false
showThemeButton: true
theme: "custom"
title: "The page title for SEO"

<aside> ℹ️ You can only declare keys of your interest, of course.


<aside> ⚠️ When the page with the code block is rendered, the code block takes effects. In other words, you need to visit the web-page to make the code block work.


How to use

Syntax and meaning

